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jueves, 26 de junio de 2014

Putting your Affairs in Order Before You Die

Perish the thought, but death is an innevitable part of life.
In that order we must think what do to and how to leave earth peacefully, leaving our family worryless and just dealing with grief.

I know this is a difficult topic to touch upon but a very necessary one.
If you care about your loved ones, you will read this advice blog carefully.
I have put together a handy checklist to follow as you think about this trying moment in everyone´s lives.

A Handy Checklist:
  • Made/updated my Will/Living Will
  • Appointed Executors/Power if Attorney
  • Told my family/friends where to find important documents, including my Will.
  • Arranged my long-term care, should I need it.
  • Arrange my funeral and told my family/friends.

2 comentarios:

  1. My dearest karina, this is such a morbid topic, though Chris commentd on a harder topic. We need to be prepared and see death as a process of life. We call you later. Caramba!!! Btw: I'll join ur following circle ;)

  2. Hey Allie, I know :(
    But the sooner we know, the sooner we may help our loved ones put their affairs in order. When the time comes, everything will be ready
